Imagine stepping into an apartment that whispers rather than shouts. A space where emptiness isn’t a void, but a canvas waiting to be touched by light and carefully chosen elements. This is the magic Malfinio, a Prague-based interior design studio, has woven into a recently renovated apartment.

This wasn’t your typical renovation. It was a reclamation. The first phase involved stripping away the clutter and “disastrous accretions” that had accumulated over time. The result? The apartment itself began to breathe. This newfound sense of spaciousness became the project’s guiding light: to preserve and even amplify the power of emptiness.

The project transformed into a playground of possibilities. It pushed the boundaries of materials, furniture design, and functionality. The star of the show? A massive, custom-designed furniture block that snakes its way through the entire apartment. This multi-functional marvel acts as an entrance, swallows storage spaces, hides the kitchen, and even houses two bathrooms. It’s like a Tetris masterclass come to life!

E19 Apartment in Prague by Malfinio
E19 Apartment in Prague by Malfinio. Photography by BoysPlayNice.

But this block isn’t just practical, it’s artistic. Its raw MDF surface becomes a canvas for a vibrant mural by Klára Spišková, its bold strokes creating a captivating contrast. The rest of the apartment remains a study in minimalist elegance, punctuated by a few carefully chosen “solitaires” – unique pieces of art that add personality without cluttering the space.

While the base remains a cool, gallery-like white, a subtle blush peeks through, adding a touch of rebellion. This rosy hue takes center stage in the living room with plush raspberry-colored sofas. In the bedroom, it mingles with apricot and crimson, expressed through curtains by Linda Kaplanová. The bed, a haven of soft linen textures, is separated from the rest of the space by a mobile partition, offering both privacy and a touch of whimsical charm.

The design plays with contrasts: the softness of the fabrics against the metallic elements, the pale walls versus the vibrant artwork. This idea of “softness and roughness” permeates the entire space, creating a dynamic tension that keeps the eye engaged.

The rosy tones take a darker turn in the bathrooms, transforming into a rich brick-like terracotta. This shift creates a grounded, intimate atmosphere. But don’t worry, the connection between the spaces remains. Long vistas and strategic reflections create a sense of flow, further emphasizing the generosity of the layout.

This Prague apartment is more than just a renovation; it’s a testament to the power of restraint. It’s a space that breathes, showcases the beauty of well-chosen elements, and reminds us that sometimes, less truly is more.

All images © by BoysPlayNice and Malfinio. Feel free to browse through WE AND THE COLOR’s Interior Design section for more inspiring content.