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Take this course and discover a practical approach to making wooden furniture professionally using simple hand-held tools.

Your teachers, Jack Bibbings and Matthew Hensby are two experienced carpenters that love to combine traditional craft with contemporary design to create unique furniture pieces. At their workshop, they develop modern furniture inspired by traditional English design. To do so, they mostly use simple hand tools.

This online course by Jack Bibbings and Matthew Hensby consists of 14 lessons (1h 58m). It’s highly recommended by thousands of happy students. Step by step, you will learn to create a traditional staked three-legged stool in oak using hand tools. This is a great online course is for anyone who would like to learn how to start crafting wooden furniture by using simple hand tools. Don’t worry, no previous experience is required to take this course. Just an interest in woodworking and making furniture should be necessary. For further information, just click on the following link.

Online Course: Learn Traditional Woodworking with Hand Tools
Online Course: Learn Traditional Woodworking with Hand Tools

Do not hesitate to find more recommended online courses on WE AND THE COLOR.


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