Online Courses

Find the right online courses by professional instructors. In our selection of high-quality courses and online classes, you can choose from many topics, skill levels, and numerous languages. With lifetime access, you can study any topic from home or just when it suits you best. Do not hesitate to find the best online courses for you!

Learn Urban Travel Photography for Instagram

With this online course by Elaine Li, you can enhance the essence of your voyage by diving into urban travel photography practices to snap...

Learn Digital Illustration Techniques to Create Engaging Stories

Ignite your creativity and develop stories of everyday life into one-of-a-kind digital art through vibrant colors, intricate lines, layers, and luminous light. If you're looking...

Learn Mobile Filmmaking and Capture Stories With Your Phone

With this highly recommended online course by Cassius Rayner, you can learn all the fundamentals of mobile cinematography to create captivating videos that tell...

Learn Creative Writing with Shaun Levin

This online course by Shaun Levin teaches you how to use the power of words to sketch a story that will be unforgettable. To write...

Illustration Online Course by Mauco Sosa: The Vectorial Style Guide

With this illustration online course, you can learn to develop a new style as an illustrator to become more versatile. In this online course, illustrator...

Learn Information Design: Infographic Storytelling in Adobe Illustrator

Data visualization is a powerful tool that can help you make sense of complex data sets. In this course, you'll learn how to turn...

Learn to Design an Event Poster in Adobe Illustrator

With this online course by Marte, you will explore Adobe Illustrator with all its design tools to create an amazing poster from scratch by...

Drawing & Creativity Online Course for Big and Little Artists

With this online course by David Peña Toribio, aka Puño, everyone is invited to explore their creative side through drawing exercises and games designed...

Learn Carpentry with this Beginners Online Course

By exploring carpentry techniques and learning to use tools like a hand-held milling machine, you can craft your own chair out of simple materials...

The Top 5 Digital Marketing Online Courses on Domestika

With this selection of the 5 best digital marketing online courses, you will learn all the skills and knowledge you need. If you're looking to...

How to Create an Infographic Map with Adobe Illustrator

With this series of seven online courses by Paadín, you can learn step-by-step how to create a detailed infographic map using Adobe Illustrator. Thematic infographic...

Learn Creative Illustration Techniques with this Online Course

With this online course by Adolfo Serra, you will learn to create an artist's sketchbook that reflects your personality and creativity. Adolfo Serra is a...