The Surreal Art of René Magritte

Surreal Oil Paintings.

A collection of oil paintings by Belgian artist René François Ghislain Magritte (November 21, 1898 – August 15, 1967), a master of surrealism. He became famous with a variety of thought-provoking paintings. His work ‘The Son of Man’ is certainly one of the most famous artworks of surrealism.

The Son of Man by René Magritte
The Son of Man by René Magritte
Not to be Reproduced - Surreal Art by René Magritte
Not to be Reproduced - Surreal Art by René Magritte
On the Threshold of Liberty by René Magritte
On the Threshold of Liberty by René Magritte
The Lovers - Painting by René Magritte
The Lovers - Painting by René Magritte
The Menaced Assassin by René Magritte
The Menaced Assassin by René Magritte
Time Transfixed - Surreal Painting by René Magritte
Time Transfixed - Surreal Painting by René Magritte


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