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Book recommendation: The History of Graphic Design. Vol. 2 (1960–Today), a multilingual publication by TASCHEN.

After last week’s feature of The History of Graphic Design Vol. 1 (1890–1959), we would like to introduce you now to the second edition, which rounds up our journey through the history of graphic design. Volume 2 covers the period from the 1960s until today. Again written by Jens Müller and edited by Julius Wiedemann, The History of Graphic Design. Vol. 2 features 3,500 seminal designs from all over the world. Please read more of our book review below or click on the following link for further information.

Purchase the book at Amazon.

Book cover of The History of Graphic Design. Vol. 2, 1960–Today
Book cover of The History of Graphic Design. Vol. 2, 1960–Today

Well written and documented with countless images on 480 pages, the book guides us through 60 years from the establishment of the International Style to the rise of the digital age. 80 ground-breaking projects will be examined more closely along with 118 biographies of the era’s most influential graphic designers including well-known names such as Massimo Vignelli (New York subway wayfinding system), Otl Aicher (Lufthansa identity), Paula Scher (Citibank brand identity), Neville Brody (The Face magazine), Kashiwa Sato (Uniqlo brand identity), and Stefan Sagmeister (handwriting posters).

Filled with a sheer mass of knowledge, The History of Graphic Design. Vol. 2 features the most outstanding graphic designs for each year alongside a series of important milestones. Documented in chronological order, the book provides the reader with a concise overview and an impressive visual timeline.

In combination with volume one, this is the most complex exploration of graphic design to date.

Purchase the book at Amazon.

The History of Graphic Design. Vol. 2, 1960–Today
Explore some of the most iconic designs from the past 60 years.
The History of Graphic Design. Vol. 2, 1960–Today
The book documents outstanding projects, important milestones and some of the best designers from the last 60 years.

Purchase the book at Amazon.

Feel free to have a look at our Book category to find more reviews. You can also browse through our Graphic Design category to see a broad range of outstanding case studies. In addition, on WE AND THE COLOR, you can also find a comprehensive list of today’s best graphic designers to follow on Instagram. Just have a look here. It’s our aim to showcase the most inspiring work from the world’s creative scene.


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