The Assembly Store Branding by Bravo Studio

A vintage inspired brand identity design by Bravo studio for the Assembly Store.

Bravo is a Singapore based studio specializing in brand, graphic design, and art direction. They recently completed the brand identity development for the Assembly Store, a multi-label lifestyle store targeted at men’s fashion. In addition, they have a cafe called The Assembly Ground – it’s a place where like-minded people come together, have a coffee, and and enjoy the pleasant atmosphere.

The creative team of studio Bravo developed a brand experience that is classic, versatile, and playful with a strong influence of vintage letterings, illustrations, and graphics. The simple logomark relates to the the brand name and the idea of creating a places where people gather together. For more information, please visit:

The vintage inspired business cards of the Assembly Store brand identity.
The vintage inspired business cards of the Assembly Store brand identity. Complete brand and identity design by Bravo, a Singapore based studio.
Design of the logomark.
The logomark is a stylized version of a base of a campfire, as the word “assembly” means to gather together. It is also a stylized letter A, which can be seen from all three angles.
Logo versions and identity design by Bravo, a Singapore based studio.
A responsive identity system is needed to translate the logomark for different space limitations and applications.
The corporate colors of the Assembly Store brand identity.
The corporate colors are a selection of highly saturated, strong colors. They can be mixed and matched for variation.
Classic fabric patterns.
Classic fabric patterns are used for the store, while the cafe patterns are simplified versions of the store patterns.
Store paper bags.
The clean design of the store paper bags with logotype and logo print.
Window design
The window design of the Assembly Store, a multi-label lifestyle store targeted at men’s fashion.
Hand drawn mural letterings.
The interior is decorated with hand drawn mural letterings.
Old motorbike wall illustration.
A wall illustration of an old motorbike conveys the vintage look and feel of both store and cafe.


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