The brand identity of a shop on Mars that sells memories and experiences from Earth.

Cristina Reverté is a 22 years old, Barcelona-based graphic design student. She recently sent me this university project, where she was tasked to design a shop on Mars. She chose to sell memories and experiences from Earth to not forget our home. “The Earth Lab is a modular shop on Mars that provides earthlings with a wide range of items and well-designed products so they do not forget where they come from.”

Cristina has created a restrained brand identity based on clean typography as well as delicate graphic elements. The stationery system has been printed on natural paper in white, gray, and soft pastels. This creative project makes you think about all the little things we will miss about Earth if we ever have to move to another planet. Enjoy the following images. For those who want to see more of Cristina Reverté’s graphic work, please visit her portfolio or follow this creative design student on Instagram.

Shop on Mars - University graphic design project by Cristina Reverté.
Shop on Mars – University graphic design project by Cristina Reverté.
Forest smell
Forest smell
Shop on Mars - University graphic design project by Cristina Reverté
Shop on Mars – University graphic design project by Cristina Reverté
Connect a scent from The Smells Collection directly to your Mars suit.
Forest Taste
Forest Taste

All images © by Cristina Reverté.


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