Citigems: Rebrand and graphic design by studio Bravo for a contemporary fine jewelry company for the modern city girl-on-the-go.

Citigems is a modern brand that challenges the preconceptions of fine jewelry by creating contemporary and accessible pieces that fit seamlessly into the modern city girl’s urban lifestyle. Bravo, a Singapore-based graphic design and branding studio was asked to create a new visual experience that perfectly reflects this way of life. The new logotype is inspired by the confident, stylish, and modern city girl. It is contemporary, cosmopolitan, expressive, elegant, and confident. Below you can find a few images. For more, please visit Bravo’s website or check out their portfolio on Behance.

Citigems logotype.
Citigems logotype.
Old vs new.
Old vs new.
Logo design.
Logo design.
Color scheme.
Color scheme.
Packaging and brand design.
Packaging and brand design.
Mobile design.
Sophisticated mobile design.
Citigems - Rebrand by studio Bravo for a contemporary fine jewelry company.
Citigems – Rebrand by studio Bravo for a contemporary fine jewelry company.

All images © by Singapore based studio Bravo. Do not hesitate to find more images in our popular Graphic Design, Branding, and Packaging Design categories. On WE AND THE COLOR we feature the creative work of both talented graphic designers and leading branding studios from all over the world. WE AND THE COLOR is your source for the daily dose of creative inspiration!


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