Oil Paintings by Jeremy Olson

Stunning Oil Paintings.

Below is a compilation of oil paintings by Jeremy Olson, an artist who lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. His experimental artworks participated in several exhibitions, most of them in the USA but also in Europe and Asia. Jeremy Olson skillfully plays with different surrealistic effects. He combines fragments or objects which often appear contradictory or encourage the viewer to reflect on the meaning.

We're the Same, You and I - oil on panel painting by Jeremy Olson
We’re the Same, You and I – oil on panel painting by Jeremy Olson
Veil - oil on panel painting by Jeremy Olson
Veil – oil on panel painting by Jeremy Olson
An Accretion - oil on panel painting by Jeremy Olson
An Accretion – oil on panel painting by Jeremy Olson
Forgetting Place - oil on panel painting by Jeremy Olson
Forgetting Place – oil on panel painting by Jeremy Olson
Oil on panel painting by Jeremy Olson
Oil on panel painting by Jeremy Olson


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