Fear of Failure and Creative Success

Fear of Failure and Creative Success, a data-based exhibit by Laguna College of Arts + Design (LCAD) in collaboration with Colum Five.

The team of creative agency Colum Five recently had the pleasure to work with Laguna College of Arts + Design (LCAD) in order to create a data-based exhibit on the Fear of Failure and Creative Success. With 6 installations, the exhibition illustrates the relationship between failure and success.

Below you can see some images of the installations. The last picture shows the installation: The Power of Persistence. This one takes a visual look at literary rejections and the power of persistence. We have the book title and author (such as Harry Potter and Chicken Soup For The Soul), with height of the book stack noting the number of copies sold, and one X equalling the number of rejections from publishers. From this, we visually see how writers, like most creatives, have faced rejection and criticism. But, because of their persistence and will to push through, they brought us some of the most successful works of literature.

You can view the whole exhibit here.

Fear of Failure and Creative Success, a data-based exhibit by Laguna College of Arts + Design (LCAD) in collaboration with Colum Five.
Fear of Failure and Creative Success, a data-based exhibit by Laguna College of Arts + Design (LCAD) in collaboration with Colum Five.
Installation: The Power of Persistence.
The Power of Persistence. This installation takes a visual look at literary rejections and the power of persistence.


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