Chairpedia: Hands-On Book Review

101 stories of chairs—Chairpedia is a unique design lexicon focusing on individual stories behind iconic chairs from various brands. For their 65th anniversary in 2020,...

Storage Kit Shkatulka by Lesha Galkin

Shkatulka (шкатулка), a well designed storage kit by Russian illustrator and designer Lesha Galkin. Lesha Galkin is a Russian product designer and illustrator who lives...

MINIM Playing Cards Deck by Joe Doucet & Partners

MINIM, a deck of playing cards created by design practice Joe Doucet & Partners. Joe Doucet & Partners is an award-winning multidisciplinary practice with offices...

The Best DIY Woodworking Online Course for Beginners in 2023

Unlock your inner woodworker: Learn woodworking with the help of Patricio Ortega, an accomplished architect, carpenter, and co-founder of the Maderística workshop. If you've ever...

Eco-Friendly Furniture Made from Offcuts

Zero per stool, an eco-friendly furniture collection by South Korea based design studio, Hattern. Inspired by the cycle of nature, where every organisms and all natural...

James Day: Dieter Rams

Still life photography with electronic appliances designed by German Designer, Dieter Rams. Currently represented by Levine/Leavitt, James Day is an internationally renowned photographer working in...

Learn DIY Bookbinding Techniques Online

📚 Fábrica de Texturas: A DIY Bookbinding Masterclass! If you have ever dreamt of creating your own beautifully bound books, catalogs, fanzines, travel journals, or...

Book: Eat Me – Appetite for Design

Book recommendation: Eat Me – Appetite for Design, a Viction Workshop publication. Originally published in 2012, this book is still a great source of inspiration....

Truly Nordic: Nordic Craftsmanship, Branding Campaigns, and Design

Truly Nordic, a book that examines nordic craftsmanship, branding campaigns, and design. Scandinavian design is world-famous for this sense of minimalism and functionality. Clean lines...

A Glaciers and Rocks Inspired Bench by Fernando Mastrangelo

A bench design by Fernando Mastrangelo that draws inspiration from glaciers and rocks. Fernando Mastrangelo is a Brooklyn based artist and designer with diverse talents....

Velo Chair by Jan Waterston

The Velo Chair – unique and highly aesthetic furniture design by Jan Waterston. Jan Waterston is a creative product and furniture designer with a strong...

How Design Makes Us Think — Book by Princeton Architectural Press

How Design Makes Us Think: And Feel and Do Things, a book by graphic designer Sean Adams and published by Princeton Architectural Press. Design is...