An inspiring case study of the graphic design work and brand visuals created by studio Bratus for ANGIA.

Here comes another exceptional graphic design and branding case study by the talented people of studio Bratus. Jimmi Tuan and his team were commissioned by ANGIA Investment to develop a new brand identity in order to redefine the strengths and visual experience of the company. ANGIA was founded in 2008. Within just a few years, the company became one of Vietnam’s most developed real estate investment corporations. To gain even more trust and to achieve even better positioning in the market, studio Bratus came up with a sophisticated revision of the existing brand identity. Please read more below the following image.

ANGIA graphic design and branding case study by Bratus.
ANGIA graphic design and branding case study by Bratus.

After extensive briefings and additional conversations with the client, studio Bratus wanted to create a visual language that transports the aspiration and courage to take risks while adopting innovative and new ideas to investment projects. The new brand identity can communicate well, inspire, and create positive values.

Before starting with the graphic design work, studio Bratus fully analyzed the brand to extract the most valuable insights. Using restrained graphic design elements and typography, they formed a simple yet flexible visual experience. Just have a look at the following images. For more, please visit Bratus’s website.

ANGIA graphic design and brand guidelines by Bratus.
ANGIA graphic design and brand guidelines by Bratus.
ANGIA graphic design and branding case study by Bratus.
First scribbles drawn by hand.
ANGIA graphic design and branding case study by Bratus.
The inspiration and creation process.
ANGIA logo design by Bratus
ANGIA logo design by Bratus
ANGIA graphic design and branding case study by Bratus.
Two-sided business cards
ANGIA graphic design and branding case study by Bratus.
ANGIA graphic design and branding case study by Bratus.
ANGIA graphic design and branding case study by Bratus.
The stationery system
ANGIA graphic design and branding case study by Bratus.
ANGIA graphic design and branding case study by Bratus.
Real estate brand posters.
Real estate brand posters.
Brand posters key visuals.
Brand posters key visuals.
Poster and flyer design.
Poster and flyer design.
ANGIA graphic design and branding case study by Bratus.
ANGIA graphic design and branding case study by Bratus.
Web design
Web design
Web design for desktop and mobil.
Web design for desktop and mobil.

All images © by graphic design and branding studio Bratus. Check out other inspiring projects in our Branding, Graphic Design, and Web Design categories. You can also find a great list of top 10 stationery online shops on WE AND THE COLOR.


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