Brand experience design renewal by Plus X for lifestyle curation platform, 11STREET.

Seoul, South Korea based studio Plus X was tasked to work on a sophisticated brand experience renewal for the lifestyle curation and shopping platform, 11STREET. The 11 in the 11STREET brand name is an expression of the determination to perform a strong relationship with the customers through 1:1 sympathy. It also means pursuing something beyond perfection by adding 1 to the perfect 10. The word “street” embodies the brand’s promise to go beyond online by offering a great offline experience.

Plus X has created a new brand experience that is easy and intuitive, credible and considerate, unique and vibrant. The creative team of Plus X has defined a whole new visual experience including logo, countless brand applications, packaging materials, ads, website and mobile app. Please have a look below. To know more about Plus X, please visit their website:

11STREET, brand experience design renewal by Plus X.
11STREET, brand experience design renewal by Plus X.
Old logo vs new logo.
Old logo vs new logo.
Primary logo.
Primary logo.
Secondary logo.
Secondary logo.
Brand applications.
Brand applications.
Business cards.
Business cards.
Custom typeface.
Custom typeface.
Direction Regular and Direction Bold.
Direction Regular and Direction Bold.
Header and body text copies.
Header and body text copies.
Huge billboard ad on streets.
Huge billboard ad on the streets.
Billboard ad in the pedestrian zone.
Billboard ad in the pedestrian zone.
Delivery boxes.
Delivery boxes.
Paper shopping bags.
Paper shopping bags.
Mobile app
Mobile app

All images © by Plus X. Check out more inspiring projects in our Graphic Design, Branding, Packaging, and Web Design categories.


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