The Art of Alex Kanevsky

Oil Paintings.

It’s great to discover new artists that I previously didn’t know. In those moments, I really love what I do. That’s exactly how I felt when I saw Alex Kanevsky’s oil paintings for the first time. The artist works with a clever use of motion blur, color, contrast and brightness. Alex Kanevsky developed and improved these various painting techniques over a long time. As a result, the images often have a certain degree of abstraction and vagueness. His inspiration relates from his own life, feelings, emotions, experiences, or sometimes his observations of lives of other people. You can find more oil paintings by Alex Kanevsky here.

Blue Room with Running Dog - oil on wood by Alex Kanevsky

Blue Room with Running Dog – oil on wood by Alex Kanevsky
C.B. in Water 
- oil on wood by Alex Kanevsky
C.B. in Water 
- oil on wood by Alex Kanevsky
Departure - oil on canvas by Alex Kanevsky
Departure – oil on canvas by Alex Kanevsky
Dinner with Exhibitionist - oil on canvas by Alex Kanevsky
Dinner with Exhibitionist – oil on canvas by Alex Kanevsky
Hotel - oil on linen by Alex Kanevsky
Hotel – oil on linen by Alex Kanevsky
J.F.H. with her Portrait - oil on linen by Alex Kanevsky
J.F.H. with her Portrait – oil on linen by Alex Kanevsky
A.L.S. with Motion - oil on wood by Alex Kanevsky
A.L.S. with Motion – oil on wood by Alex Kanevsky
Twins' Bath - oil on linen by Alex Kanevsky
Twins’ Bath – oil on linen by Alex Kanevsky
Couple with Fire Extinguisher - oil on board by Alex Kanevsky
Couple with Fire Extinguisher – oil on board by Alex Kanevsky


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