Small Scale Paintings by Jacob van Loon

Abstraction and Geometric Shapes.

This is a selection of small-scale paintings by artist Jacob van Loon. His artworks combine abstraction with linear geometric elements and shapes. The paintings are influenced by architecture, cartography, scientific illustration and graphic design.

Kinzie - Small Scale Painting by Jacob van Loon
Kinzie – Small Scale Painting by Jacob van Loon
Carroll - Small Scale Painting by Jacob van Loon
Carroll – Small Scale Painting by Jacob van Loon
Oort - Small Scale Painting by Jacob van Loon
Oort – Small Scale Painting by Jacob van Loon
Second Floor - Small Scale Painting by Jacob van Loon
Second Floor – Small Scale Painting by Jacob van Loon
Take - Small Scale Painting by Jacob van Loon
Take – Small Scale Painting by Jacob van Loon


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