Graphic Design Studio – Brand Identity.
This is the studio identity of Revert Design, a Dublin, Ireland-based graphic design studio founded in 2013 by Trevor Finnegan. The name ” Revert”originates from a graffiti name he used as a teenager. The playful identity design reflects Trevor Finnegan’s fascination for artworks by M.C. Escher, Reutersvärd and some other artists and designers. The letter R as an optical illusion serves as a distinctive logotype. Trevor Finnegan altered the R from the Macula font by Dutch type designer Jacques Le Bailly aka Baron von Fonthausen and used it for his logo. He also experimented with different patterns and graphics. The 4 patterns symbolize Trevor Finnegan’s main design areas: Branding, Print, Interactive and Interior Design. Due to the low budget, Trevor Finnegan decided to do the printing himself. He used rubber stamps and the business cards are all hand crafted using 100% recycled grey card with spray painted edges.