Kaffe 1668 Juice Label Illustrations by Martin Azambuja

A series of lovely illustrated juice labels by Martin Azambuja for Kaffe 1668.

Martin Azambuja had the pleasure to create a series of juice labels for Kaffe 1668 located in Tribeca, SoHo. His illustrations refer to the benefits of juice and the positive feelings of the consumers. The result is a series of 24 colorful labels.

Some facts about Martin Azambuja.

Martin Azambuja lives and works as an independent graphic designer and illustrator in Montevideo, Uruguay. His work is focused on branding, packaging, illustration, and art direction for big companies as well as young startups. You can find much more of his creative work on his website.

Illustration and packaging design by Martin Azambuja for numerous Kaffe 1668 juice labels.
Illustration and packaging design by Martin Azambuja for numerous Kaffe 1668 juice labels.
A closer look of some fine illustrated juice labels for Kaffe 1668.
A closer look of some fine illustrated juice labels for Kaffe 1668. The full collection consists of 24 lovely packaging labels.

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