Illustrated Artworks by Jose Mertz

Experimental Artworks.

Stunning drawings, paintings, sketches and illustrations by Jose Mertz, a Miami-based artist and image maker. The artistic style of Jose Mertz is influenced by science fiction, Eastern art and philosophy, dreams, myths and ancient civilizations. In addition to traditional media, his illustrations and paintings has been incorporated in t-shirt designs, posters, art prints, stickers, art installations amd some more platforms.

Drawing by Jose Mertz
Drawing by Jose Mertz
Artwork by Jose Mertz
Artwork by Jose Mertz
Artwork by Jose Mertz
Artwork by Jose Mertz
Fishhead - Sketches by Jose Mertz
Fishhead – Sketches by Jose Mertz
Half Hearted - Painting by Jose Mertz
Half Hearted – Painting by Jose Mertz
Laughing Monkey - Illustration by Jose Mertz
Laughing Monkey – Illustration by Jose Mertz
Paintings by Jose Mertz
Paintings by Jose Mertz
Portrait by Jose Mertz
Portrait by Jose Mertz
Possibilty - Illustration by Jose Mertz
Possibilty – Illustration by Jose Mertz


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