Gravity – Experimental Short by Clemens Wirth

An animated short film based on diverse experiments with gravity.

Clemens Wirth is a renowned motion designer, director, and visual artist from Austria. He received his BA degree in Multimedia Art from the University of Applied Sciences FH-Salzburg. The video featured in the article includes a series of analogous experiments all based on the physical laws of gravity. The brilliant music and sound design was done by Radium Audio.

We also featured this video in our Vimeo group and channel.

This video by Clemens Wirth features some analogous experiments with gravity.
This video by Clemens Wirth features some analogous experiments with gravity.
A kind of slimy paintball in motion.
A kind of slimy paintball in motion.
A range of bending threads.
A range of bending threads.
Gravity is an experimental short film by Clemens Wirth, a director, visual artist, and motion designer from Austria.
Gravity is an experimental short film by Clemens Wirth, a director, visual artist, and motion designer from Austria.
The video features a range of surreal effects, which are based on the physical laws of gravity.
The video features a range of surreal effects, which are based on the physical laws of gravity.

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