Graphic Design Definition

The Definition of Graphic Design.

Some examples of posters created by different graphic designers. This is an article about the definition of graphic design.
Some examples of posters created by different graphic designers. This is an article about the definition of graphic design.

Graphic Design (the term being first coined as such by William Addison Dwiggins in 1922) is defined as the visual design of content. The design style is characterized by functionality and low-key/elementary symbolism. Graphic design is applied in several forms of media. Alongside traditional print media such as magazines, books and posters, graphic design is also used in electronic and interactive media. Word combinations, symbols and images are created through use of various artistic and technical means to convey information for viewers. Therefore it is also referred to as visual communication or communication design. Graphic design is often closely linked to current events and different cultural influences in society. The range of application covers advertisement, branding/identity, public relations and communication for science and culture. Due to the wide range of possible applications it is essential for any graphic designer to have comprehensive knowledge in typography, visual arts and layout.

In many places throughout the world, the Industrial Revolution has had a significant influence on the development of graphic design, but so did art and different social and political backgrounds; all of them continuing to shape further evolution in graphic design to come.

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