Förster Skateboards by MARCO & SVEN

Förster Skateboards – Made from a simple piece of wood.

Sven Gabriel is a cretive designer, art director, concepter, and Illustrator who lives and works in Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany. Besides his commissioned work for various clients, he finds some time to realize personal projects. This project has been developed in collaboration with his friend Marco.

The two designers create skateboards with the use of a simple piece of wood. The axes of the rollers are screwed directly to the rough wood board. The wood was cut obliquely, thus remains a wide layer of the bark at the front and backside. Also the name is quite appropriate. They named their product “Förster Skateboards”,what can be translated as “Ranger Skateboards”. Below you can see some images and a video introducing the skateboard.

Förster Skateboards
Förster Skateboards
Manufacturing process - He is using a simple board with bark.
Manufacturing process – He is using a simple board with bark.
Close up of the bottom with logo and roles.
Close up of the bottom with logo and roles.
Top view of the board.
Top view of the board.
The axes are bolted directly to a piece of wood.
The axes are bolted directly to a piece of wood.
Förster Skateboards by Sven Gabriel and his friend Marco.
Förster Skateboards by Sven Gabriel and his friend Marco.
Skateboard design made from a simple piece of wood.
Skateboard design made from a simple piece of wood.


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