Directed by award-winning cinematographer Nils Clauss, this short film was produced for the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021.

Based in Korea, Nils Clauss is an award-winning German cinematographer whose music videos, shorts, and documentary films have been screened at a wide range of international film festivals including Palm Springs, Cinequest, and Guanajuato.

For the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021, he has directed a new short film named: Crossroads: Life in the Resilient City. “Five cities. Five stories. This documentary looks at the urban experience from the perspective of people living at the interface of the changing world. In New York, Seoul, Mumbai, Paris, and Nairobi creativity and imagination are necessary to survive and thrive as the cities they live in constantly evolve.”

Enjoy the film! For those who want to see more of Nils Clauss’ creative work, feel free to visit his website or follow him on Vimeo.

Crossroads: Life in the Resilient City by Nils Clauss
Crossroads: Life in the Resilient City

Any footage © by Nils Clauss. Do not hesitate to check out other videos in our Motion category.


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