NEVADA, an animated short film inspired by the Argentine comic, El Eternauta.
The Barcelona-based Argentine director Guillermo Daldovo just received NEVADA, an animated short film that draws inspiration from the Argentine classic of science fiction “El Eternauta” by Héctor Germán Oesterheld and Francisco Solano López, a graphic novel published in 1957.
Guillermo Daldovo started to work on the film back in 2018 with the initial purpose of finalizing the short film for the centenary of the birth of Oesterheld in 2019. However, a delay in the production has led the story to move from science fiction to a metaphor for reality.
NEVADA is a digital collage, which has been created under the premise that all its elements are free-to-use 3D models and animations. The short film tells the story of a threat that haunts the city and draws a subtle line that separates the known from the fearsome abyss from the inconceivable. To find out more, just watch the video. For those of you who want to see more of the creative work by Guillermo Daldovo, please visit his website or follow the talented director on Vimeo and YouTube.
Any footage © by Guillermo Daldovo. Feel free to browse through our Motion category or subscribe to our official YouTube channel to find other film and animation projects.
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