When The Dinner Ladies, Australia’s renowned frozen meal service, realized it was time for a rebrand, they sought a recipe that would honor their unique origin story while propelling their visual and verbal identity forward. Enter Universal Favourite, a creative agency known for their innovative approach to branding. The collaboration resulted in a fresh, vibrant look and feel that perfectly encapsulates the essence of The Dinner Ladies’ homely yet decidedly un-mumsy meals.

The Dinner Ladies branding by Universal Favourite
The Dinner Ladies branding by Universal Favourite

A Recipe for Success

The Dinner Ladies began their journey with a simple yet powerful mission: to deliver delicious, home-cooked meals to families and individuals who crave the warmth and comfort of a home-cooked dinner but lack the time to prepare it themselves. Over the years, their reputation grew, and so did their customer base. However, their brand identity needed a facelift to match their expanding reach and modern culinary approach.

Universal Favourite stepped in, ready to blend creativity with strategic thinking. The goal was clear: to create a brand that resonated with The Dinner Ladies’ diverse customer base while standing out in the competitive frozen meal market. The result was a rebrand that not only paid homage to The Dinner Ladies’ roots but also showcased their growth and evolution.

Stirring Up a New Look

The rebrand began with a thorough understanding of The Dinner Ladies’ ethos. Their meals are known for their homemade quality and comforting flavors, but they are far from traditional or outdated. Universal Favourite crafted a visual identity that reflects this balance, incorporating modern design elements, and fun illustrations with a touch of nostalgic warmth.

A Digital Feast

The rebrand wouldn’t be complete without a revamp of The Dinner Ladies’ online presence. Universal Favourite overhauled the website, ensuring it was not only visually appealing but also user-friendly and informative. The new site features mouth-watering photography, easy navigation, and engaging content that highlights the brand’s story and values.

Customers can now easily browse the menu, learn about the ingredients, and place orders with just a few clicks. The website’s design is clean and modern, yet it retains the warmth and charm that The Dinner Ladies are known for. It’s a digital extension of the brand’s physical experience, making it easier than ever for customers to enjoy their favorite meals.

A Fresh Start

With their new branding, The Dinner Ladies are ready to take on the frozen meal market with renewed vigor. Universal Favourite’s thoughtful and creative approach has given the brand a contemporary edge while preserving the heart and soul of what makes The Dinner Ladies special.

As Australia’s tastiest frozen meal service, The Dinner Ladies are set to win over even more fans with their delicious, home-cooked meals and their fresh, inviting brand identity. So, whack the oven on and get ready to enjoy a meal that’s as comforting as it is convenient, courtesy of The Dinner Ladies and their brilliant rebrand by Universal Favourite.

All images © by Universal Favourite. Don’t hesitate to explore other inspiring work in the Graphic Design and Branding categories.