Central Avenue – Type Specimen by StudioMakgill

Central Avenue.

StudioMakgill created this unbound booklet to promote their typeface Central Avenue. The booklet also works as a series of four posters.

Central Avenue Type Specimen by StudioMakgill
Central Avenue Type Specimen by StudioMakgill
Central Avenue Type Specimen by StudioMakgill
Central Avenue Type Specimen by StudioMakgill
Central Avenue Type Specimen by StudioMakgill
Central Avenue Type Specimen by StudioMakgill
Central Avenue Type Specimen by StudioMakgill
Central Avenue Type Specimen by StudioMakgill
Central Avenue Type Specimen by StudioMakgill
Central Avenue Type Specimen by StudioMakgill
Central Avenue Type Specimen by StudioMakgill
Central Avenue Type Specimen by StudioMakgill


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