Artist Guim Tió Zarraluki

Humorous and ironic portraits by Barcelona based artist Guim Tió Zarraluki.

With his humorous and ironic portraits, Guim Tió Zarraluki wants to explore the pictorial part of the human condition. In provocative manner he counters the human obsession with perfection and beauty. Influenced by television, advertising, and magazines, our perception is often reduced to beauty and glamor. Guim Tió uses pictures of seemingly flawless faces and bodies as templates, which he mostly found in various fashion magazines to create metaphorical portraits of our exaggerated ideal of beauty. His paintings refer to the physical manipulation of plastic surgery, genetics, and even cybernetics. His portraits reveal the dark side of the human soul, which can be hidden behind the pretense of perfection. With a good dose of humor and sarcasm, the Barcelona based artist illustrates a controversial issue of today’s society. His “clown-like” portraits become a mirror of our uncertainty – parodying the stereotypical image of perfect beauty.

A few portraits can be found below. For more, please visit his portfolio on Behance or follow this talented artist on Facebook and Instagram.

Portraiture painted by Barcelona based artist Guim Tió.
Portraiture painted by Barcelona based artist Guim Tió.
Artwork created for an exhibition in Taiwan.
An artwork created for an exhibition in Taiwan.
Another work from the Taipei exhibition.
Another work from the Taipei exhibition.
Exploring the pictorial part of the human condition.
With his work, the artist wants to explore the pictorial part of the human condition.
Humorous and ironic portraiture by Guim Tió Zarraluki.
Humorous and ironic portraiture by Guim Tió Zarraluki.
Work from the series Beauty & Beast.
Work from the series Beauty & Beast.

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