A mind-blowing audiovisual projection mapping project directed by Filip Roca and Tigrelab for the Sharjah Light Festival 2019.
With art direction by Filip Roca and Tigrelab, ‘Mother’ is an audiovisual projection revolving around interacting patterns inspired by the power of nature. The visualization reflects the astonishing force behind the growing structures of our planet, ranging from seashells and spiral galaxies to the structure of human lungs.
Screened in Dubai at the Sharjah Light festival 2019, The video studies pattern formations using procedural generative systems, particle, and dynamic simulations to recreate various scenes in nature. Just watch the following video. Some stills and full credits can be found below.
Art direction: Filip Roca & Tigrelab
3D Artist: Filip Roca, Dan Garotte
3D Model: Andrea Stinga
Original soundtrack: Leonardo
Assistant Sound Designer: Max Benkel
Organized by SCTDA
Produced by Nomada
The video is also featured on the WE AND THE COLOR YouTube channel. Feel free to subscribe here.