“Not so still” still lifes by artist Christopher Thornock.

Christopher Thornock is an award-winning, Utah-based artist and illustrator. In 1996, he has received a BFA with high honors in Fine Art and Minor Illustration from the Art Center of Design, Pasadena, CA. In 2007, he received his MFA in Studio Art from Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. When working on a new painting, Christopher’s creative process begins as a visual and visceral response to his subject matter. As the paintings take shape, various objects are added, subtracted, modified or repeated. During the last years, his artworks could be seen in numerous exhibitions across the US. A small selection of his “not so still” still lifes can be found below. For more, please visit Christopher Thornock’s website or follow him on Instagram.

Christopher Thornock, Blue and Gold.
Blue and Gold.
Christopher Thornock, Leftovers
Christopher Thornock, Lime
Christopher Thornock, Take one down.
Take one down.
Christopher Thornock, Watering Cans.
Watering Cans.

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