Vintage Matchbox Labels A to Z – Illustrated Alphabet Print by 67 Inc

Vintage Print Illustration.

Simon Staines of 67 Inc sent me a submission of his latest limited edition print that features a nice set of vintage Eastern European matchbox labels from the 1950s and 1960s. All labels have been reworked as an A to Z alphanumeric print. The illustrations show different subjects such as flowers, pets, zoo animals, or household. Everything is beautifully illustrated in rich colors and typical vintage style. Check out this artwork or further prints by 67 Inc here.

Vintage Matchbox Labels A to Z - Illustrated Alphabet Print by 67 Inc
Vintage Matchbox Labels A to Z – Illustrated Alphabet Print by 67 Inc
Vintage Matchbox Labels A to Z - Illustrated Alphabet Print by 67 Inc - Detail View
Vintage Matchbox Labels A to Z – Illustrated Alphabet Print by 67 Inc – Detail View


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