‘Self Reflection’ at The Untitled Space, an extensive group show of 21 female artists on self-portraiture.
From September 27 – October 8, 2016, The Untitled Space Gallery in New York City presents “Self Reflection”, an exceptional group show comprising 21 female artists and their diverse creative interpretations on the subject of self-portraiture. Curated by Indira Cesarine and Coco Dolle, the exhibition includes a vivid selection of work ranging from photography and painting to collage, tapestry, mixed media, and video installation. Using their own bodies, the participating artists can be regarded as both creator and subject of matter. Please read more below.
Through their own process, each artist presents visual narratives based on social and cultural influences as well as a personal perception of one’s own ego. Self Reflection is an exhibition tackling conventional notions of female image and taboo.
Participating artists: Ahn Sun Mi, Alexa Meade, Andrea Mary Marshall, ANGE, Coco Dolle, Carol-Anne McFarlane, Cornelia Hediger, Grace Graupe-Pillard, Erin M. Riley, Hiba Schahbaz, Indira Cesarine, Karen Bystedt, KESH, Leah Schrager, Marie Tomanova, Meredith Ostrom, Natalie White, Polly Penrose, Rebecca Dayan, Sarah Maple, and Sophia Wallace.
Location: The Untitled Space Gallery
Address: 45 Lispenard Street Unit 1W NYC 10013
Exhibition on view: September 27 – October 8 (10am – 6pm)
All images © by The Untitled Space Gallery and the respective artists. Do not hesitate and visit our extensive Art category. The section includes an inspiring mix of creative work as well as worth knowing information on current and forthcoming exhibitions.