Take a look at edition eight of Jerry-Lee Bosmans’ printmaking challenge.

In the past, we already featured three editions (2,4,6) of Jerry-Lee Bosmans’ printmaking challenge. Today we are pleased to show you a selection of posters from version eight.

Jerry-Lee Bosmans is a Dutch graphic designer specializing in contemporary graphic art. His creative and unique work can be recognized by the use of vivid colors and playful shapes. Enjoy the following images or check out Jerry-Lee Bosmans’s website and portfolio to stay up to date with his latest work.

Printmaking Challenge V8 by Jerry-Lee Bosmans
Printmaking Challenge V8 by Jerry-Lee Bosmans
Printmaking Challenge V8 by Jerry-Lee Bosmans
Printmaking Challenge V8 by Jerry-Lee Bosmans
Printmaking Challenge V8 by Jerry-Lee Bosmans
Printmaking Challenge V8 by Jerry-Lee Bosmans
Printmaking Challenge V8 by Jerry-Lee Bosmans
Printmaking Challenge V8 by Jerry-Lee Bosmans
Printmaking Challenge V8 by Jerry-Lee Bosmans
Printmaking Challenge V8 by Jerry-Lee Bosmans
Printmaking Challenge V8 by Jerry-Lee Bosmans

All images © by Jerry-Lee Bosmans.

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