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Let us introduce you to Nineties Headliner, a bold sans serif font inspired by text-focused magazine ads of the 1990s.

This beautifully designed sans-serif typeface was created by Jen Wagner. The Nineties Headliner font is mostly inspired by the typography of the 1990s. Equipped with both upper and lowercase characters, the Nineties Headliner font is a great choice for logo designs or header text, especially on a large scale.

In addition to the font, you’ll also get two Photoshop Actions as a bonus that create a stylish vintage magazine print look. Just click on the following link to get further information.

Nineties Headliner Font by Jen Wagner Co.
Nineties Headliner Font by Jen Wagner Co.

Do not hesitate to find more recommended typefaces in the Fonts category.


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