Mother, a surreal animated short film

Mother, a surreal animated short film that shows you a psychedelic otherworldly space.

This amazing animated short film named ‘Mother’ was designed and directed by Fabrice Le Nezet, a designer, visual artist as well as filmmaker who currently lives and works in London, UK. This well illustrated and animated short film takes you on a kind of psychedelic trip through a surreal world. The video conveys an epic and otherworldly atmosphere full of futuristic architecture and isometric design inspired by video games and science fiction.

All character animations were done by Benjamin Mousquet. Raphael Azel Martinez was responsible for the matching sound design. This surreal animated short film is also featured in our WA AND THE COLOR Vimeo Group and Channel.

Mother, an animated short film that takes you on a kind of psychedelic trip through a surreal world.
Mother, an animated short film that takes you on a kind of psychedelic trip through a surreal world.
Mother - surreal motion graphics video
Mother – surreal motion graphics video
This surreal animated short film impresses with amazing black and white animations.
This surreal animated short film impresses with amazing black and white animations.
A surreal animated short film with stunning isometric design.
A surreal animated short film with stunning isometric design.
Well illustrated and animated objects in a strange otherworldly space.
Well illustrated and animated objects in a strange otherworldly space.


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