Mors – Visual Identity Design by Alexey Malina

Brand Design.

Moscow, Russia-based graphic designer and digital artist Alexey Malina created the visual identity with logo design, business cards, stationery and packaging for Mors Russia. Thanks Alexey for adding your work to the WE AND THE COLOR Flickr Group.

Mors - Identity and Stationery Design by Alexey Malina
Mors – Identity and Stationery Design by Alexey Malina
Mors - Visual Identity Design by Alexey Malina
Mors – Visual Identity Design by Alexey Malina
Mors Identity - Business Card Design by Alexey Malina
Mors Identity – Business Card Design by Alexey Malina
Mors Identity - Business Cards designed by Alexey Malina
Mors Identity – Business Cards designed by Alexey Malina
Mors - Packaging Design by Alexey Malina
Mors – Packaging Design by Alexey Malina


  1. Very nice designs with great colour effects. Designing cards and products with logos is very important and it is also very difficult. I found the idea very unique and helpful. Thanks for shearing your idea.


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