Only four days left of ‘Behind The Glass’, Michael Burges’ first solo show in New York at JanKossen Contemporary.

On view since October 20, 2016, JanKossen Contemporary currently presents Michael Burges’ premier solo show in New York City. Until January 28, 2017, the exhibition features a selection of Burges’ most recent artworks from his Reverse Glass Paintings series. Created with a unique technique, the series is characterized by an extraordinary aesthetic of vibrant colors as well as gold and platinum leaf. By using plexiglass instead of canvas, the German born artist has created a range of abstract pieces with a unique color presence. The visual impact of these artworks literally draws the viewer into an alternative reality.

Using a multi-layering process, the artist freely experiments with different techniques as well as a variety of colors and metals including platinum, copper and gold leaf. These paintings act like an exploration of the possibilities of color, space, and their different effects on the viewer. On display only until January 28, 2017, the exhibition invites us to an open, non-verbal dialogue. A few examples of his work can be found below. For further information, please visit: and

Michael Burges – Reverse Glass Painting No. 50, 2016
Michael Burges – Reverse Glass Painting No. 50, 2016
Michael Burges – Reverse Glass Painting No. 23, 2014
Michael Burges – Reverse Glass Painting No. 23, 2014
Michael Burges – Reverse Glass Painting No. 49, 2016
Michael Burges – Reverse Glass Painting No. 49, 2016
Michael Burges – Self-Emergent Painting Reverse Glass No. 17, 2016
Michael Burges – Self-Emergent Painting Reverse Glass No. 17, 2016
Michael Burges' Behind the Glass exhibition view at JanKossen Contemporary
Michael Burges’ Behind the Glass exhibition view at JanKossen Contemporary

All images © by Michael Burges and JanKossen Contemporary. Feel free to find more extraordinary artists on WE AND THE COLOR. Our Art category includes a great variety of different work ranging from drawings and paintings to sculptures and large installations.


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