23 simple and fun logo designs created by Rose van der Ende.

Based in Arnhem, Netherlands, Rose van der Ende is a skilled graphic designer with a passion for simplicity, symmetry, and detail. Whether she’s designing books, brand identities, packaging or websites, she always strives for beauty and balance, helping companies set themselves apart from the crowd of competitors and tell their own story in a beautiful way.

Below you can see a selection of 23 simple and fun logos that have been designed by Rose van der Ende for a variety of projects and different clients. Nevertheless, some of these logos remain unused. For more of her creative work, please visit her website or follow this talented graphic designer on Behance, Dribbble, and Instagram.

Logo designs by Rose van der Ende.
Simple and fun logo designs by Rose van der Ende.

All images © by Dutch graphic designer Rose van der Ende. Check out other inspiring projects in our Graphic Design and Branding category. In addition, you can find stunning stock graphics in our Templates category. That’s not all! For those of you looking for high-quality typefaces, our Fonts category is definitely worth a visit. WE AND THE COLOR is the online magazine for graphic designers and other creative professionals from all over the world.


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