The Junebugs – Short Animation by Oddfellows

The Junebugs, a beautifully animated short film by Oddfellows based on an original poem by Steve Scafidi.

The creative people at studio Oddfellows have produces this dreamy animated short film as a new interpretation of Steve Scafidi’s poem “The Junebugs”. Beautifully illustrated and animated, this short film is truly a little masterpiece, just like the poem itself. More information about Oddfellows and the video can be found below the first image.

The Junebugs, short animation by Oddfellows based on an original poem by Steve Scafidi.
The Junebugs, a short animation by Oddfellows based on an original poem by Steve Scafidi.

Oddfellows is an award winning production company with offices in San Francisco and Portland. They specialize in a variety of design, illustration, and animation projects. To find more of Oddfellows’ creative work, please visit their website.

Their beautiful animation for Steve Scafidi’s poem “The Junebugs” can be found below together with two more stills and a complete list of all credits. I hope you enjoy this dreamy animation as much as I do!

Still from the animation.
Still from the animation.
Direction and animation by Oddfellows.
Direction and animation by Oddfellows.

Any footage © by Oddfellows
Original poem by Steve Scafidi
Read by David Purdham
Direction by Oddfellows
Creative Direction: Chris Kelly
Art Direction: Colin Trenter
Producer: TJ Kearney
Screenplay: Justin Kelly
Design and Illustration: Yuki Yamada, Hana kim
Titles: Lisa Mishima
Animation: Stan Cameron, Chris Anderson, Nata Metlukh, Josh Parker, Kavan Magsoodi, Jay Quercia, Lorraine Sorlet, Chris Kelly, Colin Trenter, Jordan Scott
Music and Sound by Antfood

The video has been featured additionally in our YouTube channel, feel free to subscribe here.



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