Hello Bank! iPhone App – Mobile UI Design

The simple and intuitive UI design of the Hello Bank! iPhone App.

Thomas Ciszewski is an interactive designer and multi-disciplinary art director. Some time ago he was entrusted with the creative direction for the Hello Bank! iPhone App UI design. Hello Bank! is a fully digital bank launched by BNP Paribas. A team of excellent UI designers developed a mobile user interface that offers a whole new experience of mobile banking. The complete interface is simple, intuitive, and effective. It lets you discover a new bank that is as mobile as you are.

The clear and intuitive navigation wheel provides a quick view of everything on your account. All graphics, charts, and the entire data visualization are based on a modern flat design. An additional app for the iPhone has been developed on the same UI style.

Hello Bank! iPhone App - art direction by Thomas Ciszewski for the entire UI design.
Hello Bank! iPhone App – art direction by Thomas Ciszewski for the entire UI design.
Instant Balance Weather function
Instant Balance Weather function
Modern, intuitive, and clean mobile UI design for the  Hello Bank! iPhone App.
Modern, intuitive, and clean mobile UI design for the Hello Bank! iPhone App.
Flat designed data visualization
Flat designed data visualization


  1. Yeah this is good design and i think users should be like this UI design. It looks so well in a simple art. So i think these iPhone do well business in the market.


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