He-Man and the Masters of the Universe – Free Background Illustrations

A free portrait illustration series of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe characters.

The team of creative studio MUTI has produced an illustrated series of portraits based on the main characters from the iconic 1980s animated TV series, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. They created two different backgrounds divided into good guys and bad guys. The good guys background includes portraits of characters such as He-Man, Teela, Man at Arms, Fisto, Orko, Sorceress, Man-E-Faces, while the bad guys crew consists of Skeletor, Evil-Lyn, Hordak, Trap Jaw, Zodac, Beast Man, and Mer-Man.

The backgrounds are currently available as free download for computer or mobile devices.

He-Man and Masters of the Universe - the good guys background illustrations - free download for computer or mobile devices.
He-Man and Masters of the Universe – the good guys background illustrations – free download for computer or mobile devices.
He-Man portrait illustration by creative studio MUTI.
He-Man portrait illustration by creative studio MUTI.
Masters of the Universe - the bad guys background illustrations - free download for computer or mobile devices.
Masters of the Universe – the bad guys background illustrations – free download for computer or mobile devices.
Skeletor portrait illustration by MUTI, a Cape Town, South Africa based design studio.
Skeletor portrait illustration by MUTI, a Cape Town, South Africa based design studio.


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