In Fleeting Parts, Amsterdam based artist Milena Naef creates an interaction between her own body and stone to become part of her temporary sculptures.

Milena Naef is a Dutch artist coming from a family with a sculptural history. Utilizing materials such as concrete and stone, Milena Naef creates a manifestation of the duality between body and mind. Her work is questioning accustomed structures that are inherent to herself. In her latest series called “Fleeting Parts”, the Amsterdam based artist is merging her own body with sheets of marble in order to become part of these temporary sculptures. By carving out different areas, she creates space that allows an interaction between her own body and the material. Sitting alongside with her work, Naef tries to translate characteristics of a subjective experience into the respective material. The carved marble becomes a frame for the body, which directs the viewer’s focus on certain contours of her figure. Please have a look at the images below. For those of you who want to see more of Milena Naef’s work, please visit her website.

The human body becomes a vital aspect of the artwork.
The human body becomes a vital aspect of the artwork.
Carved out areas in the stone allow it to create an interaction of her own body with the material.
Carved out areas in the stone allow it to create an interaction of her own body with the material.
The marble sheets act like frames for the body.
The marble sheets act like frames for the body.
The artist literally becomes part of the sculpture.
The artist literally becomes part of the sculpture.

All images © by Milena Naef. Do not hesitate to have a look at our Art section to find more inspiring work created by some of the most talented artists from all over the world.


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