EXPOSED, a duo show at The Untitled Space by artists Grace Graupe-Pillard and Robin Tewes.
Opening on September 24, with an artist reception on September 26, The Untitled Space in New Nork City presents EXPOSED, a duo show featuring works by artists Grace Graupe-Pillard and Robin Tewesand. Practicing as visual artists for several decades, both Grace Graupe-Pillard and Robin Tewes are pioneering feminist artists. Their artworks are explorations of modern America. Curated by gallery director Indira Cesarine, the exhibition presents a uniquely female perspective on this universe. Their artworks reveal stunning portraits that address a shift in consciousness by exploring the different ways we perceive one another. Despite their distinctive styles, on closer inspection, you will notice that both artists are inspired by voyeuristic themes, pop-cultural influences, and the fragility of being human.
EXPOSED presents a selection of recent as well as earlier works by both artists. A small selection can be found below. You shouldn’t miss the show at The Untitled Space. All details can be found at the end of the article.
September 26, 2019 (6-8pm)
September 24 – October 12, 2019
45 Lispenard Street, NYC 10013
Images courtesy of The Untitled Space, © by the respective artist Grace Graupe-Pillard and Robin Tewes. Feel free to have a look at our Art category for more inspiring work and updates on current exhibitions.