Coke Habit, an animated short documentary based on the true story of Mike, a teenager with an addiction to Coca-Cola.

The New York City based creative studio Dress Code is actually working with major brands producing animations and diverse film projects for commercial purposes. “Coke Habit” is a masterfully produced animated short documentary, they have been working on for more than two years. The film is telling the true story of a young teenager who finds himself with the unpleasant symptoms of an addiction caused by Coca-Cola. Mike spent two horrible weeks with unbearable migraines, dizziness, blind spots, and tunnel vision. The entire film was illustrated using a color palette of saturated reds and bright whites. In addition to the association with Coke, the color contrast conveys different conflicting emotions. Just check out the video below! For those who want to see more of Dress Code’s creative work, please visit their website.

Coke Habit is telling the true story of Mike, a 16-year-old who finds himself with a Coke addiction.
Coke Habit is telling the true story of Mike, a 16-year-old who finds himself with a Coke addiction.
Illustrated an animated by the team of Dress Code.
Illustrated and animated by the team of Dress Code.
The team has been working on the animation for more than two years.
The team has been working on the animation for more than two years.
The complete film is draped in deep reds and bright whites.
The complete film is draped in deep reds and bright whites.
Surrealist landscapes.
It included stunning illustrations of surrealist landscapes.
Two weeks with horrible migraines, dizziness, blind spots, and tunnel vision.
The young guy spent two weeks with horrible migraines, dizziness, blind spots, and tunnel vision.
Coke Habit by Dress Code.
Coke Habit by Dress Code.

Any footage © by Dress Code. Do not hesitate to watch more videos in our popular Motion category. A selection of outstanding animations and film projects can be found additionally in our YouTube channel. Feel free to subscribe here.


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