Over 2000 photos in one image – highly detailed macro photographs of butterfly wings captured by Chris Perani.

Chris Perani is a macro photographer specializing in highly detailed shots. Using microscope objectives, his photographs combine thousands of small images into one photo to give us fascinating insights into this microscopic world. Each of the following butterfly wing images consists of 2,100 separate exposures merged into a single photo. To capture their wings in such detailed resolution, he uses a 10x microscope objective attached to a 200mm lens. Feel free to see more of Chris Perani’s images on his website. Some of the photographs are also available for purchase.

Attacus Atlas
Attacus Atlas
Blue Charaxes Imperialis
Blue Charaxes Imperialis
Blue Peruvian Morpho Didius
Blue Peruvian Morpho Didius
Blue Peruvian Morpho Didius
Blue Peruvian Morpho Didius
Blue White Hamadryas
Blue White Hamadryas
Butterfly wing macro photography by Chris Perani
Butterfly wing macro photography by Chris Perani
Butterfly wings macro photography by Chris Perani
Butterfly wings macro photography by Chris Perani
Madagascar Sunset Moth Chrysiridia Rhipheus
Madagascar Sunset Moth Chrysiridia Rhipheus

All images © by Chris Perani. For those looking for more inspiration, please check out our popular Photography section. We show you images of talented photographers from around the globe. No matter what you are looking for, portraits, fashion, landscape, urban, architectural or even experimental photography, we show you only the best of the best.


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