Braindance Neuro-Art Project

Infographic posters created by Črtomir Just and Matej Koncan for the Braindance neuro-art project.

The two Slovenian designers Črtomir Just and Matej Koncan teamed up with BlackBox to create this series of posters for Braindance (Ples možganov), a neuro-art project dedicated to bridge the gap between science and art.

Goal of the project was to visualize the differences in people’s response to music they heard for the first time. The brainwaves of 20 volunteers were measured while listening to a musical
piece made especially for this occasion by kleemar. The results of all measurements were visualized in the form of B1 posters. The posters were displayed in an exhibition and all participants got one copy as a personalized image of their brain.

Infographic poster design by Črtomir Just and Matej Koncan.
Infographic poster design by Črtomir Just and Matej Koncan.
Braindance music poster design.
Braindance music poster design.
The work includes stylish infographics visualizing the two most significant measurements: focus and flow.
The work includes stylish infographics visualizing the two most significant measurements: focus and flow.
A set of posters based on stylish infographics created for the Braindance neuro-art project.
A set of posters based on stylish infographics created for the Braindance neuro-art project.


  1. You probably get this a lot but is there a way for regular citizens to indulge in their own personal Braindance neuro-art poster?


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