Home All Big Deal: 3,015 Floral Illustrations, Logos, Patterns, and Cliparts

Big Deal: 3,015 Floral Illustrations, Logos, Patterns, and Cliparts

3,015 Floral Illustrations, Logos, Patterns, Cliparts

Grab this amazing deal and get 3,015 floral illustrations, logos, patterns, and cliparts—99% off!

Provided by the team of Mighty Deals in partnership with Bloom Art, this huge bundle contains over 3,000 well-illustrated floral arrangements, logos, templates, invitations, patterns, graphics, and more. If you would buy all of these graphics individually, you would have to pay $1312. Available for only a few days, you can get them all now for just $15—that’s 99% off! Please note, this collection requires tools such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. You can get their latest versions from the Adobe Creative Cloud website, just check it out here.

This is what you get.

The bundle includes 85 different products containing 3,015 professional files (EPS, PSD, JPG, and PNG). The selection comprises various floral vector graphics and design tools such as patterns, illustrations, textures, logos, templates, clipart, banners, frames, etc. The bundle is ideal for creating greeting cards, invitations, crafts, logos, brand identities, packaging, wallpapers, advertising materials, posters, T-shirts, mugs, totes, and more.

Hurry up and grab the bundle here.

3,015 Floral Illustrations, Logos, Patterns, Cliparts - big view
3,015 Floral Illustrations, Logos, Patterns, Cliparts – big view

You can get all of the graphics 99% at Mighty Deals.

Are you looking for more graphics? Our Templates section includes a wide range of digital products created by professional designers for professional designers.



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