Analog Camera Illustrations by Audrey Lafarga

Analog Camera Illustrations from a series of posters by Audrey Lafarga.

Audrey Lafarga is a graphic designer, illustrator, and photographer living and working in Los Angeles, California. After first jobs as a freelance fashion photographer, she started studying design. Today she works in a multitude of different mediums.

The posters below are part of an ongoing series of illustrations celebrating analog photography. Each poster illustrates and describes one camera. It shows the characteristic design of the camera as well as its technical specifications. If you want to see more of Audrey Lafarga’s diverse work, do not hesitate and visit her portfolio on:

Brownie Holiday Flash - digital artwork from a series of analog camera poster illustrations by Audrey Lafarga. The posters show the characteristic design of one camera as well as its technical specifications.
Brownie Holiday Flash – digital artwork from a series of analog camera poster illustrations by Audrey Lafarga. The posters show the characteristic design of one camera as well as its technical specifications.
Diana Plus - illustration by Audrey Lafarga from an ongoing series of posters celebrating analog photography.
Diana Plus – illustration by Audrey Lafarga from an ongoing series of posters celebrating analog photography.
Holga 120CFN CMYK version - lomography analog camera illustrations.
Holga 120CFN CMYK version – lomography analog camera illustrations.


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