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Available at Adobe Stock, this modern kinetic box titles template will help you to create eye-catching video title sequences in Adobe Premiere in no time!

Creating eye-catching titles in Adobe Premiere has never been easier. Thanks to the skilled team of Wavebreak Media, you are now able to create stunning title sequences on your own and in no time! Wavebreak Media has produced the following kinetic box titles template, which allows you to create high-definition title sequences in six styles. With custom color control and the freedom to use all your favorite fonts, this Adobe Premiere template is quite fun and very easy to use. You can turn the background on or off. The sample text in the following preview is for display only and may not be included in the end-use. You can add your own text in seconds.

Please note, the file is optimized for Premiere Pro. You can get the latest version from the Adobe Creative Cloud website, just have a look here. Feel free to watch the following kinetic box title sequence or follow the link below the video to download the file.

This modern kinetic box titles template for Adobe Premiere is available for purchase here.

Do not hesitate to browse through our recommended Templates category to find other useful design assets and graphic design resources.


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