TING, a participatory exhibition on the occasion of the Norwegian Museum of Technology‘s 100th anniversary.
This is a collaborative project between Tamschick Media+Space and Ralph Appelbaum Associates from Berlin, Germany.
The Ting exhibition invites visitors to explore the relationship between technology and democracy. When entering the exhibition, visitors can collect a wooden cube that serves as an analog haptic tool to trigger different digital interactions within the entire exhibition. TING’s first part lets visitors discover 4 specific technologies to show up different perspectives on cultural and political influence.
A fully digital amphitheatre-like space forms the heart of the exhibition. This space includes an interactive table and a digital shelf that displays 100 objects. Visitors are able to explore the shelf via interactive tablets or by placing their wooden blocks on the table.

A fully digital amphitheater-like space forms the heart of the exhibition. It’s a different digital entire exhibition.beautiful photography. Technology so important in our life.