Terminator Genisys – Illustration by Cristian de la Fuente

Terminator Genisys – Fan art movie poster illustration in an extra wide format by Cristian de la Fuente.

Cristian de la Fuente has created this poster or banner illustration as a tribute to the movie Terminator Genisys, which is already the 5th episode. In an attempt to save humanity from destruction, Arnold Schwarzenegger is back as the Terminator. As a big fan of all episodes, Cristian de la Fuente wanted to create a wide scale poster illustration that celebrates the release of the 5th movie edition. The poster juxtaposes good vs evil characters. Below you can see some close ups and the finished work. Please note, this is not an official artwork of the movie.

Some notes about the creator of this Terminator Genisys illustration.

Cristian de la Fuente is a Chillán, Chile based designer and illustrator with great passion for graphic design and traditional as well as digital illustration. You can see more here.

Terminator Genisys - Close ups of the illustrations created by Cristian de la Fuente, a Chillán, Chile based designer and illustrator.
Terminator Genisys – Close ups of the illustrations created by Cristian de la Fuente, a Chillán, Chile based designer and illustrator.
Some more detail views of the extra wide poster or banner illustrations as tribute to Terminator Genisys.
Some more detail views of the extra wide poster or banner illustrations as tribute to Terminator Genisys.
Terminator Genisys - Fan art movie poster illustration created in an extra wide format by Cristian de la Fuente.
Terminator Genisys – Fan art movie poster illustration created in an extra wide format by Cristian de la Fuente.


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