Tag: Self Promotion
Self-Promotional Rebranding of Studio “Me”
Clever self-promotional studio branding.
Check out this clever and witty rebranding concept around a versatile pun on the word "Me". "Me" is the name of a...
Self Promo Mini Ape Figure by Andraditya Dhanu Respati.
Fancy self promo mini ape figure and packaging.
Andraditya Dhanu Respati is a graphic designer based in Kyoto, Japan. Illustration, packaging design, and clever interactivity...
Self Promotional Campaign by Freja Hedvall
A Conversation Piece.
Freja Hedvall created this self promotional campaign called "A Conversation Piece" for a couple of design studios. The goal of the campaign...
Self Promotion Project by Wanda Priem
Graphic Design Self Promotion.
Fine examples of a graphic design self promotion project by Wanda Priem, a Johannesburg, South Africa-based graphic designer. The work included...
Self Promotion by Henrik Steen Karlsen
Print Design.
A set of self promotion material consisting of portfolio, collection of essays and business cards by Henrik Steen Karlsen, a graphic design student...
ISO50 / Tycho Webster Hall Gig Poster
Self Promotion Poster Design.
Art print by ISO50/Tycho for a Tycho live show at Webster Hall, NYC. The print is available in the ISO50 Shop.
Self-Promotion Posters by WAAITT
Typographic Poster Design.
A minimalistic series of typographic self-promotion posters by We Are All In This Together, a multidisciplinary design studio, based in Copenhagen, Denmark.